Renegade Meta Pro In the training of the deltoid muscles, basic and isolating exercises on the shoulders are used, their difference is that in the first version several joints and muscle groups work, in the second the emphasis is solely on the deltoid muscle, maximally excluding other muscles from work. Performing basic exercises, thanks to the inclusion of other muscle groups, it is possible to use a greater working weight than in isolating ones, which in turn allows you to turn on the maximum number of muscle fibers and start the mechanisms of muscle growth much faster. How to make your shoulders wider Wishing to make their shoulders wider, visitors to the gyms begin to bombard deltas diligently, performing various exercises on their shoulders, using all kinds of bench presses, all kinds of wiring and pulls to the chin, unique techniques and programs from the Internet. And everything would be fine, but as mentioned above, the shoulder muscles get a load when doing exercises for other muscle groups, they work in the bench press, various pulls, pull-ups, wiring on the chest, push-ups on the parallel bars and sometimes even lifting the bar for biceps. Thus, performing additional isolating exercises, the muscles can be overloaded, which will at least stop their growth, and in the worst case, you can get injured. The pain does not always appear immediately, injuries of the shoulder joint and surrounding muscles, as a rule, are cumulative in nature and can manifest themselves after a long period of meaningless training. There is a rule that one is good, the other is bad. We do not try to scare you with injuries and do not say forget about isolation forever, at a certain stage of the training, it is worth paying attention to each head of the deltoid muscle separately, performing isolated and pumping the middle ones. Therefore, at least at the initial stage of training, you should begin to grow your broad shoulders, performing only the base on the shoulders, which, with the right technique, will protect you from injuries and allow you to lay the foundation as soon as possible.