In General terms, a VPN is a completely secure channel that connects your device with Internet access to any other device on the world wide web. If it is even simpler, then you can imagine it more figuratively: without connecting to a VPN service, your computer (laptop, phone, TV or any other device) when accessing the network is like a private house not fenced. At any time anyone can intentionally or accidentally break the trees, to tread the beds in your vegetable garden. Using a VPN, your home turns into an impregnable fortress, which will be impossible to break the protection of.
How does it work? The principle of VPN operation is simple and \"transparent\" for the end user. When you go online, a virtual \"tunnel\" is created between your device and the rest of the Internet, blocking any attempts from outside to get inside. For you, the VPN operation remains completely \"transparent\" and invisible. Your personal, business correspondence, Skype or phone conversations can in no way be intercepted or overheard. All your data is encrypted using a special encryption algorithm, which is almost impossible to crack.
In addition to protecting against external intrusion, VPN allows you to virtually visit any country in the world for a while and use the network resources of these countries, view TV channels that were previously unavailable. VPN will replace your IP address with any other one. To do this, you just need to select a country from the list, for example, the Netherlands, and all the sites and services that you will visit will automatically \"think\" that you are in this country.
Why not an anonymizer or proxy? The question arises: why not just use some anonymizer or proxy server in the network, because they also replace the IP address? Yes, it\'s very simple – none of the above-mentioned services provide protection, you still remain \"visible\" to hackers, and therefore all the data that you exchange on the Internet. And, in addition, working with proxy servers requires you to have a certain ability to set the exact settings. VPN operates on the following principle: \"Connect and work\", it does not require any additional settings. The entire connection process takes a couple of minutes and is very simple.
About free VPNs When choosing a VPN, keep in mind that free VPNs almost always have restrictions on the amount of traffic and data transfer speed. So there may be a situation when you simply can not continue to use a free VPN. Do not forget that free VPNs are not always stable and are often overloaded. Even if you do not exceed the limit, data transfer may be delayed for a long period of time due to the high load of the VPN server. Paid VPN services are characterized by high bandwidth, no restrictions on both traffic and speed, and a higher level of security than free ones.
Keeping your privacy online is a major challenge facing the world today. This problem is closely related to the concept of the Internet on the right of all users to free access to information, viewing the storage and repurposing of data. Believe it or not, the reality is that you and your computer are under constant control.
Any site on the Internet is located on physical servers, therefore, going to the site directly, you go to the server on which it is located and pass the above data to it. It turns out that a VPN is a “transit” server that passes all network traffic through itself computer connected to it. Information is exchanged on the Internet using the “http” protocol, which transmits data in clear form, which can be intercepted and decrypted.
China’s “Golden Shield” is the Great Firewall, the most technologically powerful virtual security screen that blocks residents from access to many world resources, which is supposedly being done to protect the moral values of the population.
Be sure to check and select a router that supports the type of VPN that you want to use. Custom router firmware is basically a new operating system that you can use on your router instead of the existing standard router operating system. DD-WRT is the most popular firmware, but other operating systems, such as OpenWrt, also work well.
Many are interested in knowing what a VPN connection is and why it is necessary. Let's deal with this in a simple philistine language, we won’t spill it with professional terminology so that everyone can understand what it is. A VPN connection is a secure network created inside the Internet that is not secure. If we consider the simplest form, then this is a tunnel consisting of a VPN client located on the user's PC and a VPN server. In the tunnel there is a change in the information exchanged between the user's PC and sites located on the Internet.