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Especially bone, unexpectedly have a mightiness of the fire burn feeling
"This energy is strong, with my body, bear still all right."History up, can the nobody is because of eating black fire to work properly an example of dead. Teng green mountain the body is thus strong, don't more impossibly have an accident. The Teng green mountain immediately crosses legs to sit down, the breath becomes slow-moving a while, whole personal spirit is completely astringent, Teng green mountain carefully feeling whole body muscle, physique, spirit blood, inside the variety of any part s like Fu,etc, that is very hot bright burn of energy along the throat gets into an esophagus and quickly starts spreading later on! This energy quickly integrates into viscera, any part s, such as blood vessels, physique, muscle and body...etc., is as for the skin surface layers all absorb to this very hot energy naturally. "Bomb!" This energy also with an upward exposure the square extend and quickly flood Teng green mountain skull, the facial skin, eyes, and ear...etc. are integrated by this energy. "Very miraculous energy."Know by feeling of Teng green mountain to body, clear realize, originally and early arrive extreme achievement for the self-discipline, body can not promote again, imitate a Buddha a big tree be sprinkled by the miraculous water of life to infuse, quickly the one more vice-minister is generally high.Own muscle fiber becomes more sturdy. Especially bone, unexpectedly have a mightiness of the fire burn feeling! This feels that keep on tea effort probably, soon after, then and slowly dissipation. That black fire works properly the miraculous energy that the root changes into to completely integrate into Teng green mountain body of each . "Shout!"The Teng green mountain starts, pulling out to put the transmigration of soul gun in the ground is in the body side. "Drink!" The Teng green mountain body strength in a twinkling and completely breaks out, the better arm muscle in a twinkling became thick the first, the muscle Ji knots together and contains endless huge dint, in the Teng green mountain hand transmigration of soul gun fiercely a flick! Bomb! Come to ground an explosion is huge ring, the strength of the transmigration of soul gun fearfulness compresses the air moment and treat long the gun stop, that air that compresses to the extreme achievement fiercely bursts to open and imitate a way of Buddha the invisible shell bomb the bamboo grove of front a big slice of, many green bamboos are cracked open by explosion to open. "Yi, I pour is raised to approach 20,000 catties of energies!"The Teng green mountain is a precision very much to the control of strength, ability clear feel oneself's variety. "Is legendary, just ate'the black fire worked properly a root'do not increase 10,000 catties of energies?"Teng green mountain heart in inching one thinking, recall just ate black fire to work properly a ground felling, " H'm, to, seem previous incarnation iron filings Zhang similar, in the process of doing, wipe some medicine wine, so as to absorb an efficacy of medicine, if the mere mister doesn't do boxing feet, wiping the medicine wine be just waste!" "A truth, the black fire works properly the huge energy of root to integrate into a body, want to completely absorb, have to train on one's own initiative, absorb it so much!I because body originally do pole highland to tread, can not promote again, need absorb outside energy urgently to.This just fiercely absorbs, far super ordinary people!" Ordinary people body to'the black fire work properly a root'the energy has no strong need, absorb naturally of little. The Teng green mountain body need is a little more strong, absorb. "However, see a felling, seem many energies, incubate in the body."The Teng green mountain feels to really believe to oneself, some worlds work properly the energy of treasure and completely develop is hardest, impossible oneself swallows into belly 100 divide 100 to absorb, affirmation includes many energies to incubate. The absorption is just part of. "The energy incubates deep place at the body and uses 《 tiger form magical power 》, should be able to help the body to absorb once again."The Teng green mountain inwardly nods, " waits to return to, start the chain 《tiger form magical power 》 of continuing."《 Tiger form magical power 》 absorbs energy inside the body from the internal and small angle. Should be able to use, develop black fire to work properly a potential for containing. "Return to!"The Teng green mountain hand holds one pole transmigration of soul gun, turn to make an unreal image, quickly flee to go between the forest, severals leap, disappear in the distance.