The sixth chakra is called the third eye chakra and it is situated in the middle of the forehead connectingthe eyebrows. In ancient Sanskrit C. J. Beathard 49ers Jersey , it is depicted by the indigo Ajna mandala which translates as “command center”. Its energy bestows us with the metaphysical ability of clairvoyance, a higher sensory power to “see” events and images pertaining to the past, present, or future. The third eye chakra allows us to “remote view” other places or people without actually being there.
When the ajna chakra is muddled, it will affect the physical body through lack of concentration, headaches, confusion Reuben Foster 49ers Jersey , psychological disorders, anxiety, and panic attacks. We will be pushovers, allow other people to walk all over us, take advantage of us, and may not feel ourselves to be deserving of success in our own right. On the physical side, the third eye chakra deficient individual may suffer from headaches Jaquiski Tartt 49ers Jersey , eye problems, vision problems, brain tumors, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, tumors and seizures. This unbalanced state will not permit you to enjoy the full experience of life and prosperous relationship with the outside world.
The deficient third eye chakra will inhibit us from observing things that are right in front of us, such as solutions to our problems or challenges. In simpler terms Arik Armstead 49ers Jersey , we will be in denial of reality, suppressing what needs to be addressed, and live our lives being continuously deceived by others. As a result, our lives may become chaotic. Co-dependency on other people may become a problem and we will either hop from one disastrous relationship to another, or we will stay firmly trapped in an abusive relationship for a very long time.
When the ajna chakra is balanced, however, we will be able to see 360 degrees in all directions DeForest Buckner 49ers Jersey , figuratively speaking. We will have foresight, insight, and high-powered intuition into people, issues, and events. We will know what to do, the right way to do it, and the perfect time to do it in. It’s as if we become perfectly aligned with the universe’s will. Our psycnic powers are greatly improved and we will be able to see things before they happen.
Someone with a balanced third eye chakra clearly sees where he or she is going. There is an experience of inner awareness. This is why this chakra is affiliated with intuition Ahkello Witherspoon 49ers Jersey , action on ideas, wisdom and intelligence. The physical characteristics typically show good health in those areas being governed.
A clear and balanced third eye chakra bequeaths us with creative imagination, visualization, and innovation. Our concentrative powers are greatly enhanced. The left brain becomes synchronized with the right brain. And finally, we don’t allow others to push us around, and we draw a line in the sand where no one is allowed to cross. We are no longer dependent on others to bolster us either financially or emotionally. We are emotionally independent
Unblocking devices to help open up the third eye chakra include lying flat and placing a crystal over the ajna. Visualize indigo light or flame whilst meditating can also help rebalance this chakra. Herbs for healing are: sandalwood, elecampane Solomon Thomas 49ers Jersey , echinacea, eggplant, and ginseng. Healing aromatherapy include: gardenia, lavender, and rosemary. Healing incenses are: sandalwood, mugwort, star anise Richard Sherman 49ers Jersey , saffron and acacia. Healing crystals: lapis lazuli, azurite, fluorite, sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire and indicolite tourmaline.
Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a alternative Wellness Coach who founded Sunlighten and co-founded Sunlight Day Spa; two holistic health companies devoted to far-infrared heat therapy, sound therapy Jimmy Garoppolo 49ers Jersey , and massage therapy. His Wellness Coaching practice embraces infrared sauna purification, upper cervical care, and adhering to an alkaline-forming, nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, sugar-free diet.
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