Another major cause Narcolepsy (chronic sleep disorder,) is the second Mela Luna Sleep Aid Review most common cause of daytime sleepiness. The disease typical- ly begins during the teens and early twenties, but can also occur as early as five years or even after 40 years of age. The symptoms may worsen during the first few years and then persist for life. Narcolepsy is a disorder of sleep-wake state control in which elements of sleep intrude into wakefulness, and elements of wakefulness intrude into sleep. The result is daytime sleepiness with varying amounts of hypnagogic hallucinations (imagery is often auditory), sleep paralysis, and cataplexy (sudden and transient episode of loss of muscle tone). In some, sleepiness may be so severe that they may doze off with little warning (sleep attacks).
So the alarm goes off every Monday-Friday at 5:55 A.M. What a horrible sound!!!! I have not even moved a part of my body to shut the damn thing off but my brain is running through all the cruise words it knows and already complaining about getting out of my bed. I feel my body scream, "What are you doing to me? I am still exhausted!" But I must get out of bed drag myself to the shower and start my day. I already know that I will be tired all day long and the vicious cycle will continue until the glorious day we all call Saturday. I spend a lot of my time complaining about how tired I am, not getting much done because I'm tired, having a messy apartment because I am too tired to clean. I don't think it's my fault though.
I always find something else to blame it on: "My mattress sucks! My bladder is too small and I have to pee all the time! My mattress sucks! (cause it really does it's sooo terrible). I wake up early and go to sleep late forget about the eight hours that is recommended, I tried but that didn't see to work as well either. So I was so happy to see an article on "Fatigue" in this months Cosmopolitan. I opened to the article and it was like "Hallelujah" was playing in the background. Am I finally going to be able to stop my sleepiness?
Holly Phillips, MD says that young people are so into their busy schedules that they form so many emotions during the day. "By the time you finally hit the sheets, you're so hyped up that the residue of those emotions that you can't decompress." Phillips thinks it best if some social activities or extra daily tasks were canceled or saved for another time. I completely agree!!! I jam pack my day.