Looking at it from this perspective, you can see that you'll need to look at Blood Sugar Premier carbs in a completely new way. This is where daily food choice becomes critical, because there are good carb foods and bad carb foods. This is where the diabetic diet becomes really useful to you, because it takes away all the guesswork in what you can and can't have. For instance, a jelly donut and a slice of whole grain bread are both foods that have carbs in them.
However, one is going to be a lot healthier for you to eat than the other. So, here's where you can make an easy choice. That jelly donut is made with white flour and lots of sugar. When you eat that donut, it will quickly convert to sugar and the fat will be deposited in your cells. On the other hand, the whole grain bread will slowly break down inside your body and release concentrated energy over a period of time. healthier choice is the piece of whole grain bread, because it gives you energy, without causing you to crash and burn shortly after eating it.
Deciding which protein food you are going to have for lunch is often filled with temptation for the average diabetic. Let's say that you agree to go out to lunch with your coworkers and you find yourself in a fast food restaurant staring at the menu. Your eyes settle onto a favorite burger that you used to eat before you knew you had diabetes. It is made with two slices of starchy, white bread buns, two fat soaked hamburger patties, two slices of American cheese, several slices of bacon and a sauce that has an unknown amount of calories.
You know that your dietary needs require you to have a protein food, and that about 30% of your daily calories can come from protein. You're very tempted to get that burger and swear off all other protein for the day. But, let's take a look at what that burger will really do to your body. Okay, it's a proven fact that many fast food burgers contain huge amounts of calories. Your dream burger contains 1200 calories, and that represents a majority of your daily total. Yikes!