Not everyone want's to lose weight. Some folks are quite LumaSlim happy to pile on the pounds, ignoring the danger of excess flesh. They either do not know, or could care less, but even if they are relatively young and healthy, they are heading for troubled waters in the future. The majority of people though, rightly see their health as their number one priority; after all, if you have not got good health, you are poor indeed, though you might have $1 billion in the bank!
So why is being overweight so prevalent today, and what can we do about it? These are good questions, and ones I want to address in this article. Many dieticians have stated that the major problem is overeating. That may be true, but I would say it's not so much overeating, but eating the wrong kind of food. That is the real crux of the problem. What do we do to our food prior to consuming it? Just about everything we can think of to denature it. We boil it, fry it, bake it, colour it, flavour it and then, often, freeze it, tin it or cling-film wrap it!
You might say, all of the processing is necessary to get the food to our tables and into our bodies, as quickly, cheaply and efficiently as possible. But at what cost? Cooked and processed foods, are toxic to our systems. The chemical structure has been altered, enzymes have been destroyed, and nutritionally speaking, it has been depleted of vitamins and minerals.
So, because of it's low nutritional value, we need to consume excessive amounts in order to satisfy our needs. Because of all this, we end up with excess weight, and with all the accompanying problems that brings; Obesity,heart and skeletal issues, poor skin, tiredness headaches and much more. Now, if we instead, begin to eat much more in the way of raw ,uncooked, fresh natural fruits and vegetables, we will feed our bodies living foods that will very quickly begin to detoxify us and strengthen us. Weight will melt away almost as if by magic. Skin will improve, energy levels will soar and we will start to look and feel the way our Creator intended; healthy and strong.