One of the primary focuses of the study was with "shift workers" who LumaSlim tend to be overweight. Because of their schedule a shift worker is pressured to eat at times that directly violate their body's natural rhythms. This phenomena caused researches to rethink traditional weight gain theories. It was clear that eating at a time that was contradictory to one's circadian rhythms would indeed influence adding unwanted pounds.
Researchers discovered that by eating at a time that was in alignment with your body's natural rhythms had a great impact on body weight. Mice that were allowed to dine on a high-fat diet while their counter parts were sleeping gained a lot more weight. In fact, a 48% weight gain! All things being equal both groups of mice had the same caloric intake and exercise. This test lasted 6 weeks and both groups of mice could eat as much of the high-fat diet they wanted.
Bottom line: Our body's natural biological rhythm controls our energy expenditure which points to the conclusion that better timed meals matter a lot in the fight against gaining weight. Losing weight is very hard to do. It is difficult to stick to a diet and exercise plan, especially when you have a lifetime of bad habits to change if you really want to get the weight off and keep it off. However, there are a number of weight loss survival skills that you can cultivate in order to help you to reach your goals.
One of the ways where many people end up ingesting a lot of calories without realizing it is by drinking them. The calories in regular sodas can really add up, and your body does not register calories by beverages the same way as calories from food, so these calories don't fill you up. A switch to drinking soda will make a big difference, and you will get used to it after a short while. Even better would be a switch to water with lemon or unsweetened tea, but this might take a bit longer to achieve.