Before there were buffets on every corner and quite possibly before they invented Blood Sugar Premier obesity, burning calories really wasn't within the realm of most people's interests. Seriously, can you imagine a fat cave person? People were just too active before the modern world and all the "time-saving" machines that take more time when they fail.
Along with cortisol, stress also increases the secretion of insulin. Both these hormones work together to promote the formation of belly fat, contributing to both overweight and Type 2 diabetes.Help yourself: Stress can also cause you to do things to calm yourself, whether they actually help your lot in life or not. Things like not sleeping and eating to excess do not help you in the quest to lose weight. In many cases, they actually pile on the useless pounds or kilograms. Since fat tends to be a stressor itself, this just takes a problem and makes it even worse.
So you need to get plenty of sleep (7 to 8 hours a night), and find ways to calm yourself. Some people practice deep breathing, meditation or yoga (or even all three) to get themselves calmed down. Other people simply laugh at the silliness of life... unless something will cause serious damage, it can usually just be "fixed" with a little calm effort.
Be like a watch maker, and keep the gears of life taut, but never too tight to move smoothly. Keep on keeping the stress under control to prevent it from becoming another health risk for you and your weight.Dietary fibers give added bulk to plant foods. Your body doesn't have the ability to digest nor absorb fibers... so sticking to a high fiber diet plan can be really beneficial in controlling your blood sugar and fighting against the possible long-term complications of Type 2 diabetes.