Your Nervous System - this is the third Blood Balance Formula Reviews major organ in your body that can be affected by not maintaining your diabetes properly. People that develop nerve disease, also known as neuropathy usually smoke, are over 40 years of age and have a bad control of their glucose levels. The major issue with this disease is the high number of cases of foot infections, amputations and foot ulcerations, these are all conditions that can be avoided quite easilyYour Heart - when one or more of your arteries closes completely the end result is a heart attack. Coronary artery disease (ischaemic heart disease) is what is known when there is a progressive closure of the arteries, which is where you get your supply of blood to your heart muscle. Coronary artery disease is the most common reason why people with type 2 diabetes die.
The tragedy of dealing with diabetes can be a very overwhelming experience. If you do not take care of this disease properly it will eventually kill you. By maintaining a healthy nutritious diet along with an exercise regime that suits your needs, this can be achieved and you can avoid the complications that are associated with diabetes.Unfortunately diabetes is no longer a rare disease; it is one of the fastest growing diseases in the world today. The number of people with diabetes is expected to reach 380 million by the year 2025, this is an alarming rate and we need to stop the rise of this number by taking control of our diabetes.
Being diagnosed with diabetes is a huge shock, but it should be used as a big wake up call from your body saying, "please take care of me properly, or I will die". In the first instance, you will experience denial, anger, and depression. You will ask questions like "why is this happening to me?" "What have I done to deserve this?" and "how will I cope with all this?" These are all natural reactions, but you need to make sure that you don't bottle things up inside, you must find someone you can talk to, it is vital for your health.
Stress is another aspect that can very dangerous for diabetics. You need to eliminate as much stress out of your daily life as you can. If you feel you are stressed, stop and relax, listen to some soft music or read a book that will calm you down. Depression is another that can be very dangerous for everyone, especially diabetics; you need to seek help immediately as this can be very harmful for you and your family if it is not treated properly.I had a lady email me the other day saying she was sick of reading books after books on diabetes yet she needs help desperately. I understand her dilemma very much, and I believe she needs a stronger support group around her that will make sure that she is on track and managing her diabetes.