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Emotional Eating - A Prime Ingredient For Obesity and the Inability to Lose Weight
pizza and enjoy huge steaks when you're out, along with enough LumaSlim alcohol to pickle their liver, while you sip on your water with a slice of lemon and dream of all that lettuce you have waiting at home...While in actual fact your mind is trying to crawl out of your ears and go down the road for a takeaway, or nip in your car to the local shop to get some cookies and 15 chocolate bars - am I right? Cravings can make your diet a living hell and they are usually the reason that people give up too.
Imagine you have stuck to your diet religiously for the past 7 days, but your mind keeps dragging your eyes towards anything with sugar in and turning the waterworks on in your mouth as you desperately try to stick to the small plate of food you have in front of you... Then one night you finally give in after a stressful day at work and have that big slice of chocolate cake your partner left in the fridge.
All of sudden alarm bells start going off in your head and you realise that you have blown it, you berate yourself for being weak and never being able to finish a diet and that just makes you feel even worse. Eventually you decide that as you have already ruined your diet then you might as well raid the kitchen for everything you have been craving and try to stuff as much in your face as possible only pausing to breathe.Of course the next day you have an even worse attack of guilt and decide as you pigged out last night then you have ruined all your hard work and you might as well stop, until the next time someone makes some outrageous promises about their diet and you get suckered in of course.
But it doesn't have to be that way, if you schedule in some 'authorised cheating' every so often then you will be able to satisfy your cravings without feeling guilty. Have one night a week where you can eat freely without feeling guilty. I don't mean stuff your face as fast as you can to try and get as much in before you go to bed, but eat some of the foods you have been craving.One of the biggest weight loss diet systems on the internet today is the e-book fat loss for idiots. Basically this is a guide created by a weight loss success story but the question that is constantly floating around is does it really work?