The bony alignment of the foot serves as the structural framework, Fungus Hack Ingredients which supports your arch. If for any reason this framework begins to flatten out (pronation), then the plantar fascial band has to help by resisting this abnormal flattening. Since the origin of the fascial band under the heel is its weakest point, the greatest stress will be transmitted to this site.
As you walk or run there will be a repetitive mechanical stress applied to this attachment. This abnormal stress will eventually lead to an inflammatory reaction around the origin of the fascial band where it is being "pulled away" from the bone. A major component of any inflammatory reaction is swelling. In this situation the swelling is imperceptible on the surface, but it is present around the fascial band. There are many small nerves running through this area and the swelling increases the pressure on theses nerves resulting in the pain you feel.
The good news is that in most instances, heel pain can be successfully treated and eliminated with conservative non-surgical treatments. Surgical procedures are also available for those who do not respond to conservative treatments. Timely presentation for an examination following the first symptoms of heel pain usually results in a quick resolution to this condition.
Heel spurs are often misunderstood sources of heel pain. There are several types and locations of bone spurs in the heel. Whereas one spur commonly thought to cause pain does not in actuality, another spur often overlooked can be a source of tremendous pain. This article will discuss these each of spurs, and their actual contribution to foot pain.