Frustration is an obstacle for you and it's something you usually don't Flat Belly Fix want to have happen to you. We always want things to be "smooth sailing" and easy for us. We always treat things that if it's easy then it is a sign we are on the right track and if things becomes bumpy then that tells us we're not going the right way.Our first reaction when hitting a "roadblock", whether it be during an important project like a weight loss program or even just trying to finish a task, is usually disappointment along the lines of "Why does this always happen to me?" and "Why doesn't anything ever work for me?"
It doesn't have to be this way. By simply changing how you view the situation you can radically alter the ending. So, how can those annoying moments be valuable? Here's how:You can get so caught up in wanting to lose weight rapidly that you forget the reason why you started doing this in the first place. Do you just simply want to shed some fat or do you want to be a little slimmer to feel confident? Take a step back to look at the big picture.
Your first reaction when running into a problem may be that you absolutely have to solve the issue right away. The problem with this is that you become absorbed on the feeling that the problem must be solved no matter what. It can result in so much stress that you just can't come up with the answer. Taking a break may give you a fresh viewpoint and you may find that the issue wasn't really that big after all. Also, after you've regained your enthusiasm, the obstructions may just disappear on their own with a solution suddenly seeming so very obvious.
Even if you feel like nothing is working, look closely and you will most likely to find at least something that is going right. Yes, the results you wanted in doing lots of workout and almost starving yourself is not yet visible, but look at you now, your body is fitting into clothes you haven't worn for a long time, you feel great, have more energy, are making new friends. Take yourself out of the negative attitude of "it's hopeless" and you are back to focusing on the positive.