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Factors Responsible For Missed and Recurrent Abortions in Astrology
I discussed this constellation last week Royal Numerology Review because it was exact on January 31 and we will be talking about it for some time because this is the second conjunction of these powerful players. The first one was in November 15 last year and the third and final meeting will be August 21, 2010.This conjunction is of high significance because both of the most feared and unloved astrological principles are involved with each other in a hard aspect. We experience the structures (Saturn) dissolving (Pluto) around us and most of the time that is painful and scary. It plays out in our society, government, economy and corporate world.
Even if we know that in the bigger picture it is good to renew and regenerate out of the old it is not a process we usually enjoy. The earth quake in Haiti is another manifestation of structures and form dissolving and crumbling and the people involved certainly didn't enjoy that one.The Jupiter sextile with Pluto is bringing new hope and insights about how we can turn loss into gain and give some meaning to the pain. We are invited to broaden our perspective with wise Jupiter in compassionate Pisces. And we can decide how we want to help others to lighten their burden. I think the willingness of people to help the victims in Haiti has been amazing and is an expression of this higher perspective and the inner knowing of connectedness of all life.
Sweet Venusian love is inspired with this Neptune and Chiron connection. It is not just reserved for the significant other; it evolves out of that human oneness of spirit and all life. Feeling love is what we are all after and we can use any imaginable excuse to feel that expanded state of being. If you feel love when you sit with your cat on your lap or walk your dog that is wonderful. You can feel love making love with your partner, visiting your family for a weekend or having your girlfriends over for a clothe swap event; it does not really matter how you get there.The healer Chiron is bringing soothing and healing energies to your heart and its wounds. Self love and compassion is a crucial ingredient to be able to let that love flow and come into other manifestations in your life. Be selfish this week and be in love!
The Moon is our emotional filter and orientation in the world. We are in the waning quarter of the Moon turning us energetically inwards. With the Moon in Virgo we can filter out the most important pieces for our well being and put things in perspective. With the Moon in Libra but in conjunction with Pluto we might feel challenged and knocked off balance in the middle of the week. The Scorpion Moon goes right ahead with psychological acuity and may help to uncover hidden secrets or overlooked aspects. The last quarter square between the abstract Sun in Aquarius and the deeply emotional Moon in Scorpio will underscore the tense relationship between the real and the ideal vision we are striving for.