Since search engine optimization goes beyond having a high Smarketo Review rank on the search engine results page, one of its other more important aims is to build your online brand and one way to do that is to optimize your web page so that a lot of people will visit it or advertise using the vast network of social networking sites and here are a few tips on how to do that.
Make as many social networking profiles as you can since there are a lot even though the more popular ones which are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster and Tagged are the only ones that we know and by all means we need to hit all types of audiences considering the fact that each of these profiles that you make have the capacity to rank on their own in the search engine results page which would definitely result in boosting brand awareness towards your products or services. But make sure that you only create profiles on social networking sites that you want to be connected with although creating more links back to your website is an ideal thing to do, an active profile will prove to be a better choice in the long run.
Some social networking sites, like for instance Twitter, allows you a limited number of characters and in Twitter's case the maximum case is 140, and this scenario leaves you with very limited space for your blogs or articles and the challenge would be to be able to incorporate your top keywords into your tweets in order to get that tweet link harvested on the search engine results page. For other social networks such as Facebook, there is more room to maneuver hence you can also put your keywords on the title of your posts as well as the body of your content, two good spots to integrate your keywords.