When you plan your diet, you most likely can't predict The Venus Factor 2.0 Review every moment of weakness and temptation. On a daily basis, you may encounter many opportunities to go against your diet. An office birthday party may produce cake and soda while hanging out with a few friends may suggest the ordering of a pizza. In order to avoid going against all your hard dieting work, set yourself up with a foolproof plan! Be ready for those moments of weakness, no matter where or when they strike!
If you are planning on spending any time outside of your home, you will be confronted with plenty of opportunities to eat fatty, sugary, and greasy foods. If you are venturing out around mealtimes, this becomes even more risky. You will smell the enticing edibles and you may already be hungry. Avoid a potential moment of weakness by always having your own healthy snackon hand. Bring a piece of fruit or some fat free crackers with you, whatever your diet permits. Avoid eating these items out of habit. Instead, keep them out of site in your glove box or purse and only retrieve them when you are on the verge of faltering!
For some people, eating becomes a habit. Although they may not be hungry, they feel the urge to munch out of boredom or nerves. If you have this problem, try trading habits. Replace your old bad habit with something less harmful, even beneficial. When you are feeling the need to eat and it is not a meal time, try reading or writing instead. Keep your mind occupied with something else until the urge passes. Travel games are a great option as well. Many challenge your mind and can be easily stored in purse or pocket everywhere you go!
There are other alternatives that involve tasting without eating. If your nervous habit has you running to the cookie jar, try a new method to relax. Chew a piece of gum to get your jaw moving in that familiar motion, without the added pounds. Keep it exciting by keeping a variety of flavors on hand so your taste buds do not grow bored. Make sure you choose a sugarless brand of gum, or risk affecting your weight loss. Breath mints are another alternative that comes in many flavors. Over time you may discover the urge fades and you no longer need to keep your mouth busy!