Your body will burn calories digesting Fat Burning Kitchen Review whatever food you put in your mouth. Some foods are however better than other if you want to boost your metabolism and burn fat! It's just that it takes more energy for your body to digest some kinds of foods. These are metabolism boosting, calories burning foods!Metabolism boosting foods are, generally speaking, foods high in fiber, but low in calories. Some call them "nutrient dense foods", "whole foods" or even "negative calories" foods.
High fiber content in these foods will make you feel full longer because it takes longer to digest foods high in fiber. Prolonged digesting process also means more calories are being burned! For example, celery is so low in calories that you burn more munching it than you gain weight from digesting it.Some of the other metabolism boosting veggies are broccoli -- low in calories, high in calcium and vitamins C and A and fiber, lettuce -- great if you have problems with water retention and bloating, rich in iron and magnesium that helps in speeding up metabolism and dissolving fat -- also cabbage, carrots, and asparagus.
Soybeans contain a nutrient called lecithin that protects cells from accumulating fat and help break down fatty deposits in the body.What about fruits that are metabolism boosters? Fruits high in vitamin C, like lemons and oranges, are known as metabolism boosting foods.All sorts of berry fruit -- strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, black and red currants -- will boost your metabolism and make you burn more fat.Grapefruit have natural chemicals that reduce insulin levels which leads to weight loss. It helps dissolve fat and cholesterol.
Apples are rich in fibers that keep your blood sugar level constant thus making you feel fuller longer. Natural chemicals in apples control fat absorption and help you release excess body fat.Fruits and vegetables are not only healthy, but they are amongst the best fat burning foods. One more reason to make fruits and vegetables a staple of your diet if they're not already!Protein foods can be considered metabolism boosters because it takes a lot of energy for you body to digest them and that in turn raises metabolism and burns excess body fat. Don't forget that protein builds your muscles, and the more muscle mass you have, the higher metabolism you got!