Stay tough, if you need a sounding board it is Smart Solar Box Review fine to send me those emails. In fact I can use them to debate with you to hone your skills so when the going gets tough you already heard the toughest critics. The goal is to WIN. And believing in what you are doing is a very good thing.Concentrate on making those deals, meeting the right people, getting the money and strong ROI so you can duplicate this thing 1000 times or more. It is possible. Look how many Power Plants are in the US and the diversity is stunning. Hydro-Solar-Wind-Nuclear-Coal-Methane-Bio Mass.
I mean come on, what did BP say? "Its a Start" good, nice start now pick up the pace because this is a long-race and the finish line is what counts, not the fans spitting on the champions of truth going for their 7th win. See the point. So, with all this said, I want you innovators to consider the total picture and I hope this article propels thought in 2007 in your quest to be the best.Power generation on ocean going yachts has always been a problem unless you have pots of money which rather defeats the laid back concept of ocean cruising. The swing to electronic gadgets over the years has created huge problems keeping the batteries topped up so that all the systems can operate efficiently.
Solar panels can provide a solution but require a large area if they are to provide sufficient power for a modern yacht. Assuming you were running a 12v refrigerator drawing 4amps when running and cycling on for 20mins every hour you would need 32 amp/hours in a 24 hour period. This would consume all the power generated by an 80watt solar panel in an 8hour day in ideal conditions.Another alternative is to use a wind turbine which could provide 200w = 16 amps under ideal conditions. The problem is, conditions are seldom ideal and the net result is an average of about 5 amps provided the wind is constant and you have sufficient battery capacity to store the power.
One of the biggest consumers of power is the refrigeration system. In terms of speed of pulldown an engine driven system is very efficient but has various disadvantages. Heat generated by running even a small engine can make life uncomfortable in the tropics, engine noise is irritating and burning diesel at today's prices is not economical.The alternative is a 12v electrical system which is silent, uses new technology to improve efficiency and is environmentally friendly provided sufficient power can be stored in the batteries.