The obvious and visible ecological damage is just plain repulsive to Royal Numerology Review watch. There is a less visible but more human effect about making a living, personal, family and societal survival, as well as the economics for each region and state. The destruction of a way of life is more abstract but just as repulsive. I cannot imagine what it might feel like to have my way of life destroyed, perhaps beyond repair and the sense of helplessness that must permeate such an experience. Humans are creatures of habit and what has been known as a way of life for millions of people over generations of time no longer exists or is under onslaught. Again, I cannot imagine how beyond awful that must feel.
It is fairly easy to feel for those who are directly affected (as long as your heart is still operating), but you or I are not exempt from the potential of harm wherever we live. This catastrophe will directly affect the seabeds throughout the Gulf and the Atlantic and those are both major food supplies. This disaster has damaged and will continue to damage what is considered to be the source of life - our oceans - and the delicate eco-system that exists there. It might not be affecting you today but down the road we will all feel the impact both in terms of cost and availability of the resource called food. We may all get to go on an unintentional diet due to scarcity. I hope it will not be worse than that. Is there no respite or better solution?
My particular expertise is astrology, so I set the wheel for the explosion itself to see what I could find. I also looked at the USA Declaration of Independence Virgo rising wheel (my choice for our country's natal sky map) to see the direct effect on us as a country. Plus I set the wheel for the original corporation that has become today's BP. To understand the background of the company I read the most amazing historical record of what we now know to be BP and determined it would take some sort of genius months to work through all that history one wheel at a time. I was hoping for a much quicker answer for this article so a deeper understanding must wait further research.
Astrology For astrologers and non-astrologers alike, this event is a conundrum, with multiple ways of viewing through the astrological porthole, just as we are physically viewing the ongoing disaster through multiple underwater cameras. Confusing, muddied, and diverse opinions, but let us see what we can determine written as simply and distinctly as possible...