But with a little planning you can get these Vertigo And Dizziness Program Review foods in your diet. Nutritionists say you should eat 2-3 meals of fish a week. Sockeye salmon, tuna, hoki, sardines and mackerel are all rich omega-3 foods. They have about 30% of the nutrients you need.Other sources include nuts, olive oil and a lot of vegetables. Spinach, Brussels sprouts and winter squash are good choices for these essential fatty acids.There have been a lot of reports of the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids in the media. Harvard conducted a study and found a deficiency in these nutrients could even lead to an early death. Specifically, they found that between 63,000-97,000 American deaths a year could be linked to not getting enough of these nutrients in your diet.
Nutritionists say you should get about 1-2 mg of these fatty acids each day. If you have a ¼ cup of walnuts a day and a 3 oz. piece of fatty fish 2-3 times a week, you may get enough.However, heart patients need more. So do people suffering depression and children with ADHD and ADD. Studies show more omega-3 fatty acids help all these conditions. Many doctors recommend fish oil supplements for their patients.Fish oil supplements can be more concentrated than the fish themselves so you can get 60% or even more of the essential fatty acids.
Another good thing about fish oil is that it can be more pure than fish itself. So, if you're pregnant or otherwise concerned about the possibility of toxins in your fish, look for a pure fish oil.All fish oil supplements, of course, are not the same. There's a wide range of prices and quality. The good news is you can get a good quality supplement for under $20.You want to look for the purity of the fish-is it molecularly distilled? This is a purification method that maintains the inherent integrity of the fish but cleans it of mercury and other toxins.
Fish that swims in clean water is best. You may have to do some research to learn about the sources. Avoid generic sounding "marine life" as an ingredient and look for actual salmon, tuna or another fish to be on the label.And look for DHA and EPA and these are the essential omega-3 foods your body requires from fish. There are some great products available. Why not look into them?The lack of energy stopping you getting a body you are happy with could be put down to a short sleep last night, excess stress or being over worked...but it's much more likely to be short comings in you diet and/or a lack of exercise. Below are some hints and tips that will boost your energy levels and have you chomping at the bit to get out there and do something active!