Enhanced Keto Here we go Fifteen seconds Keep it strong, make it good, make it count Remember your goals, strong mind, strong body Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one Come down to knees, [MUSIC CHANGES] and then let's take a little break here Let's keep the head above the heart for now Enhanced Keto Reviews You can sit down, onto the ankles. If that doesn't feel good, you can come into easy pose, succasunna- Which is, um- Cross legged, and then let's breath up Inhale the arms up [INHALE] and exhale it down [EXHALE] Two more Breathe it up, it's okay to touch your neighbor And exhale it down. One more time, breathe it up- And exhale Good, let's walk the fingers back behind us And again, you can either do this cross legged, like Emily; or into could do succasunna, easy pose. https://americanmadepro.com/enhanced-keto/