It is not unusual for people with diabetes, type 1 or type 2, to Gluco Pro Balance Review spend more days in hospital with a foot infection than with any other complication. Statistics show at some point in their lives, an approximate 15 per cent of diabetics will develop a foot ulcer. This is why you must remember to examine your feet on a daily basis, even if they don't hurt.
Check your feet: after your bath or shower look for any changes in the skin color, nail color or the skin condition check for any sensation changes... for example, use a cotton swab to touch the sides, top and bottom of your feet and be aware of any changes in sensitivity Report any problems to your medical professional immediately
The "big" problems with a diabetic contracting a foot ulcer are: he or she may not know it's there and it continues for days before it is treated feet ulceration can result in loss of limb and even death medical professionals usually do not consider the adjunct treatment of natural therapies that could prevent the loss of limbs Thus, as a diabetic, you could discover you have a foot ulcer on Monday, and by Friday your foot is amputated! How's that for a major change in lifestyle?
The biggest obstacle is not having an alternative plan ready to go along with the medical treatment, to prevent the possibility of amputation. If you have to research what to do when you first come down with a foot ulcer and subsequent foot infection, it could be weeks before you discover an answer. Certainly you would find some answers on the internet, but you trying them out one by one can still result in amputation, especially if you choose ones that don't really make sense physiologically. And that's easy to do if you are grasping for straws. The internet is filled with products that savvy copywriters have hyped up and use your emotions to get you to buy.