In the past 20 years, western medical research Yoga Burn Review has quickly discovered what Chinese medicine has long realized, that yoga, t'ai chi, and qigong provide more benefits than any other single exercise.That's why they are fast becoming part of America's push towards self help and healing as evidenced by classes offered at Kaiser Permanente Hospitals, the Mindfulness Program at Stanford University's Complementary Medicine Clinic, and Jon Kabat-Zinn's Meditation/Yoga Classes at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.
Dr. Kenneth M. Sancier, Ph.D. said, "The main conclusion from many studies is that Qigong enables the body to heal itself."Pretending to be an eagle, bear, tiger, dragon, gorilla, deer, and monkey will rotate your children's bodies about 95 percent of the ways they can be rotated. The next closest western exercise to this is swimming, which only rotates about 65 percent of the body's potential movement.Other forms of exercise like jogging, for example, improve circulation but do not directly benefit all our internal organs like animal frolicking.
Imitating animals will assist in the natural development of your child's body. That may be sleek and graceful like a deer, trim and strong like a tiger, quick and agile like a monkey, or bulky and powerful like a gorilla. But it won't be overweight and out of shape.While having fun pretending to be these chi animals, your children are naturally and easily developing their bodies and minds.A third grade teacher in America said, "I feel the deep breathing, flexibility, balance and coordination they experienced while doing Tai Chi increased their physical and mental well-being, and enhanced their learning! They came back to class positive, confident and focused."
Playing along with these special Chi animals improves circulation, which strengthens the immune system. With a stronger immune system, your child may experience less sick days and the sick days they do experience will seem less traumatic. They will have more time to play and do the things they love to do as their physical and emotional well being become stronger and stronger.