Prayer is powerful, especially when it is done correctly and Manifestation Magic Review according to the Word and will of God. To experience the joy of seeing answers to our prayers is really an awesome thing. When we know that we have asked God for something, and see our petitions being granted, with concrete evidence, knowing that only God could have brought the desire of our hearts to pass, our understanding is elevated to another level, realm and dimension, for experiencing the supernatural in manifestation in this natural physical world, is indeed tremendous and life-transforming.
Agreement in prayer is when two people decide to petition God to meet a specific need, both believing that God can, and He will hear and answer prayer. It is vital to ensure that whoever you ask to agree with you in prayer is a believing person, a person of faith. To agree in prayer with someone who does not have faith will prove fruitless.Here are the principles which are outlined in the sacred Scriptures, concerning receiving answers to the prayer of agreement: accountability to answer to this Jesus. This Jesus is commonly used in sentences for 'protection', this Jesus is used in the Freemasons, he is also used by the modern church!! Bet you never saw that coming!
So, how does this affect you? If the Jesus whom you have been led to believe in did not suffer an horrendous death as a sacrifice on your behalf, then that Jesus is a false Jesus. The Old Testament points to the Genuine Jesus at the time of the Passover. When the Israelites were told to put the blood of the lamb upon the doorposts and lintels of their homes. This was so that the angel of death would pass by and not enter their homes. But this was also a pointer to the future sacrifice of Jesus Christ some 2,000 years later.
What people do not accept is- the lamb that was killed at the Passover was sacrificed as an offering to God. So too was the future Jesus to be offered as a sacrifice on our behalf to carry away our sins so that the 'angel of death' would move on and not attack us. By not connecting the dots between the Passover and Jesus dying on the cross at Passover, some 2,000 years later, the person is not accepting Jesus as the One who HAD to die for you and to take your sins and place them at the foot