Similarly, Jesus was born in the world matrix with the power to Individualogist Review change it as God the Father saw fit. Jesus came to restore all that Adam lost. While on earth, Jesus freed men from bondage not only came taught the truth, but he also declared himself to be the Truth. Jesus changed the world matrix, so that men on earth no longer had to live the curse and die in sin, separated from God for an eternity. This is the Real Matrix. Jesus is the Door, or the portal to the Real Matrix. This is the pathway to the supernatural life of our dreams.
Once a person hears and believes the truth about the Real Matrix, and makes a choice to follow Jesus, a conversion process occurs. The gospel message is illuminated in the heart of a new believer, resulting in a new species, one that desires more of God. A similar process occurred in The Matrix. When Neo believed, what he heard, he made the choice to step out of the matrix and step into the real world.
Neo goes through a similar conversion process where he is literally born again as a different species. In his new body, Neo had to retrain his mind to adjust to his new life. His training consisted of computer programs being downloaded to his brain. He also learned that in his new body, he was no longer confined by mind, space or circumstance. Neo's greatest challenge was letting go of the knowledge of the previous life in the matrix.