People also procrastinate in an effort to avoid their Overnight Millionaire System Review self-judgment. They may have poor self-esteem or may have limiting beliefs about themselves. For instance, someone might believe "I'm not good enough," or "I can't," but not really want to get confirmation of that by attempting the task. They have beliefs that keep them from attempting it, such as "This is impossible." At the same time, they don't want to test the belief. It is easier to avoid it. That way they can continue to believe that if they had tried, it would have reinforced the belief.
The final reason that people procrastinate is that it works. When we procrastinate, we DO avoid something, although usually only temporarily. In place of doing something we DON'T enjoy, we often substitute an activity that we DO enjoy. As a result, we are reinforcing our procrastination. We are rewarding ourselves for our own bad behavior. When we "get away with it," we increase the likelihood that we will do it again next time.
If you were to guess, what would an estimated guess coming from you say your real potential is -- your ability if you were not burdened by a low self-esteem or anything similar to that? Would you say your potential to reach success is pretty high? I am sure your answer is something similar to "It is really, really high". Why, if it is this high, do we not all achieve as high as we our predisposed to be able to do? Well, we have already gone through a good argument for this -- we have limiting beliefs and other things limiting ourselves. The question is - do we have to get rid of these, replace them with better beliefs, or what are we supposed to do..? And - if we can do different things to get the results that we could in reality get - which way is the best..? I am going to go into that right now, actually...